Company Profile

Karugamo English Schoolでは木の温もり溢れるアットホームな大東校、 広い園舎と園庭のある三室校で外国人講師と英語で遊び、学び、生活して楽しみながら英語を身につけることが出来るよう指導しています。
Let’s enjoy English together!
校長 Mrs. Tezuka
We offer an environment that is the first step to learning a new language.
At Karugamo English School, whether it is in the warm, home like atmosphere of our Daito School, or at the spacious outdoor play area of our Mimuro location, we offer instruction that allows students to learn English while playing, studying, and enjoying daily life with foreign teachers.
Self-affirmation, and being considerate of others are the first steps towards becoming a global citizen.
If students are able to acquire the tool that is English, their lives will be full of many more options and opportunities.
Within a warm and welcoming atmosphere, all of our teachers take special care to understand the unique personalities of each student and give them the individual attention that they need.
If you can speak English, you will broaden your horizons and have more fun.
Let’s enjoy English together!
Mrs. Tezuka Principal